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Curriculum Music:
In years 1 – 3 all students take music once a week.
In years 4 – 5 they have the option of taking music GCSE
In years 6 – 7 they have the option of taking music A level
Extra-Curricular Music:
To give you a brief taste of our activities, the school year 2018-2019 included our annual Talent Night performance at Strovolos Theatre, a joint Musical Vibes / Unite concert with other schools, a trip for 95 Music, Art and Drama students to Vienna and Arts Week with the theme “The Arts are Alive!”
Next school year looks just as exciting. We are planning activities and performances for all year groups as well as a full musical – our choice for next year is “Grease” – 15 years after our first iconic performance of this smash hit with music from the 1950s.
New music suite:
Situated just behind the Hall, including teaching rooms, practice rooms and computer lab. Used in conjunction with the Hall for rehearsals and lessons.
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