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HOME | Wellbeing & Pastoral Care ~ Support & Guidance

Support & Guidance

Explore Our Key Activities:
New Student Induction: Senior leaders, pastoral staff, and student guides warmly welcome new students, pairing them with mentors. Curious about being a mentor? Let us know!
Team Building: On and off-campus activities that foster friendships, social skills, and teamwork. Join in and discover how much fun learning can be!
Exam Support: Practical guides and resources to build confidence for exams, with a focus on self-evaluation and stress management. Look out for our next workshop!
Individual Monitoring: One-on-one support for students facing academic, emotional, or personal challenges. Need someone to talk to? We’re here for you.
Form Tutor Time: Weekly sessions that encourage decision-making and self-reflection, supporting personal growth and social awareness.
Assemblies & PSHE: Lessons on life skills, health, tolerance, and diversity, often led by inspiring guest speakers. Get involved in planning topics that matter to you!
Parental Engagement: Pastoral evenings and close contact with parents strengthen the school-home connection, fostering a collaborative approach to student well-being.
Student Participation: Opportunities to join councils, events, and clubs, fostering initiative and responsibility. Take the lead – your ideas make a difference!
Our pastoral care programs prepare students to become confident, responsible citizens equipped for future challenges. Join us in making our school community a place of growth and respect.
Target Setting: Strive for Success
Setting targets in any area of life can boost motivation and drive improvement. If you’re new to setting goals for schoolwork, here are some helpful tips. Remember to make your targets SMART!
What is a SMART Target?
Each letter in SMART stands for a quality that will make your targets more effective:

  • S – Specific
    Define your goals clearly, with a focus on specific areas.
    Example: “I want to improve my written work in English.”
  • M – Measurable
    Set criteria to measure your progress.
    Example: “I will create three sets of revision cards to prepare.”
  • A – Achievable
    Choose goals that are challenging yet within reach.
  • R – Realistic
    Ensure your goals are possible within your resources and time.
  • T – Timely
    Set a deadline to stay focused.
    Example: “I’ll complete my revision cards by the end of the month.”

By using SMART targets, you can make meaningful progress, stay motivated, and celebrate your achievements along the way!

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