English Language AS/A2
The aims of the syllabus:
The main aim of English Language is to deepen students’ interest and enjoyment in the use of English
Skills developed during the course:
Students who opt for AS English Language then learn to:
The main aim of English Language is to deepen students’ interest and enjoyment in the use of English
Skills developed during the course:
Students who opt for AS English Language then learn to:
- Apply linguistic concepts and methods of analysis to the study of meanings and issues in language
- Describe, explain and interpret differences between spoken and written texts
- Develop skills in using spoken and written language accurately and creatively for a range of audiences and purposes
- Use linguistic terminology and concepts with understanding
- Make accurate references to texts to texts and sources
In addition, at A2 student will learn to:
- Deepen critical judgements about language issues
- Undertake independent investigations of language
- Apply knowledge of spoken and written language to create imaginative and informative texts for different audiences and purposes
- Synthesise and reflect on linguistic knowledge and understanding
Overall, you will be able to study English and its literary traditions at a high level. You will also be able to address moral, spiritual, ethical, social and cultural issues in the study of the selected texts.
The study of English Literature is a chance for personal development and enrichment along with an enhancement of the skills of evaluation, analysis and comparison. Studying English Literature is not just about reading well-written books. It is a subject which opens your mind to understanding the world around you in a wide range of interesting ways. It is about ideas and issues.
At another level, the study of English Literature develops students' written and oral communication skills. These skills are essential for those who wish to pursue careers which require professionals to communicate knowledge and understanding persuasively such as Law, Business Management, Diplomacy, the Media and Education.
English Language AS/A2 Level
The aims of the syllabus:
The main aim of English Language is to deepen students’ interest and enjoyment in the use of English
Skills developed during the course:
Students who opt for AS English Language then learn to:
- Apply linguistic concepts and methods of analysis to the study of meanings and issues in language
- Describe, explain and interpret differences between spoken and written texts
- Develop skills in using spoken and written language accurately and creatively for a range of audiences and purposes
- Use linguistic terminology and concepts with understanding
- Make accurate references to texts to texts and sources
In addition, at A2 student will learn to:
- Deepen critical judgements about language issues
- Undertake independent investigations of language
- Apply knowledge of spoken and written language to create imaginative and informative texts for different audiences and purposes
- Synthesise and reflect on linguistic knowledge and understanding
The course provides students with many opportunities to study English Language in its diverse forms; they will gain a critical understanding of how language works and will be presented with opportunities to study this independently. As language is a social medium, it cannot be separated from social issues and consequently students will learn to evaluate how language works in context: for example, in politics, the media, education, law, and in e-mails.
Additionally, students will improve your fluency in the language in both speech and writing. They will be presented with opportunities to write for real-life contexts and improve their skills as a professional writer and producer of texts.
Given the status which English has today as a global language, and the essential need for effective communication, analysis and critical thinking; the skills learnt during the course are highly valued by both universities and employers.
What units will I have to sit for AS?
English Language AS is divided into 2 components which are taken at the end of Year 6; English Language A2 is also divided into 2 units which are taken at the end of Year 7.
Qualification at a glance

The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Advanced Subsidiary in English Language consists of two externally examined components.
Students must complete all assessment in May/June in any single year.
Additionally, students will improve your fluency in the language in both speech and writing. They will be presented with opportunities to write for real-life contexts and improve their skills as a professional writer and producer of texts.
Given the status which English has today as a global language, and the essential need for effective communication, analysis and critical thinking; the skills learnt during the course are highly valued by both universities and employers.
What units will I have to sit for AS?
English Language AS is divided into 2 components which are taken at the end of Year 6; English Language A2 is also divided into 2 units which are taken at the end of Year 7.

The Pearson Edexcel Level 3 GCE Advanced Subsidiary in English Language consists of two externally examined components.
Students must complete all assessment in May/June in any single year.
Component 1: Language: Context and Identity *Paper code: 8EN0/01 |
● Externally assessed ● Availability: May/June ● First assessment: 2016 |
50% of the total qualification |
Overview of content Students will explore: ● the range of contexts in which language is produced and received ● how the contexts of production and reception affect language choices ● how writers/speakers present themselves to their audience in a variety of modes ● how the language of writers/speakers reflects and constructs their identity or identities. |
Overview of assessment ● Written examination, lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. ● Two sections: students answer the question in Section A and the question in Section B. ● Total of 50 marks available – 25 marks per section. ● Section A – Language and Context: one question on a small set of thematically linked unseen data. Students produce an extended comparative response (AO1, AO3, AO4 assessed). ● Section B – Language and Identity: one question on unseen 21st-century data. Students produce an extended response (AO1, AO2, AO3 assessed). |
Component 2: Child Language *Paper code: 8EN0/02 |
● Externally assessed ● Availability: May/June ● First assessment: 2016 |
50% of the total qualification |
Overview of content Students will explore: ● spoken language acquisition and how children learn to write between the ages of 0 and 8 ● appropriate theories of children’s language development ● producing original writing for different functions and audiences. |
Overview of assessment ● Written examination, lasting 1 hour 30 minutes. ● Total of 50 marks available: Question 1 is 20 marks and Question 2 is 30 marks. ● Question 1: creative response to one short piece of unseen written data (AO2 and AO5 assessed). ● Question 2: extended response to one longer set of unseen spoken data (AO1, AO2, AO3 assessed). |

Students must: |
% in GCE |
AO1 | Apply appropriate methods of language analysis, using associated terminology and coherent written expression | 26 |
AO2 | Demonstrate critical understanding of concepts and issues relevant to language use | 28 |
AO3 | Analyse and evaluate how contextual factors and language features are associated with the construction of meaning | 26 |
AO4 | Explore connections across texts, informed by linguistic concepts and methods | 10 |
AO5 | Demonstrate expertise and creativity in the use of English to communicate in different ways Note: This Assessment Objective must be targeted with at least one of AO2, AO3 or AO4, either in the same task or in two or more linked tasks. |
10 |
Total | 100% |
A2: Unit 3: Language Diversity and Children’s Language Development
Content summary:
Studying language diversity over time and in global contexts; children’s spoken and written language.
Students will learn about origin, development and variation of language. Students will look at how and why English has changed over time, the development of English as a world language and the development of children’s spoken and written language.
60% of the total A2 marks; 30% of the total GCE marks
Externally assessed examination: 2 hours 45 minutes
For assessment, students will complete questions from two sections.
A2: Unit 4: English Language Investigation and Presentation
Content summary:
Independent research into a language topic area.
Students will identify an aspect of language suitable for a research investigation, decide on the focus of their investigation. Collect data, analyse it and draw relevant conclusions relating to the focus of the investigation.
40% of the total A2 marks, 20% of the total GCE marks
Internally assessed coursework
2500-3000 words maximum
For assessment, students will present an investigation on a topic of their own choice, utilising a methodology they have selected.