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Uniform Regulations

All students are expected to wear the correct school uniform and parents must ensure that this is done.
There are Summer and Winter Uniforms and the periods for each type are announced by the School according to the weather conditions prevailing at the time.

Supplier – DROUSKO Clothing

14 Photi Pitta Street, 
1065 Nicosia, 
Tel. 22761080. 
(Same road as the EAC Central Offices, parallel to Stassikratous Street).

NB All items are badged with The English School colours and logos, so that we achieve uniformity of colour and fabric. No items of uniform from other suppliers will be acceptable apart from the shoes/trainers.

You will be able to choose from:

  • Girls’ Summer Uniform
  • Boys’ Summer Uniform
  • Girls’ Winter Uniform
  • Boys’ Winter Uniform
  • The Sports uniform

Please note the following:
All students are expected to wear the correct school uniform and parents must ensure that this is done.
  • The highest standards of appearance, in dress, personal neatness and cleanliness, are expected of students at all times. 
  • Students coming to School improperly dressed or otherwise of unacceptable appearance, may be sent home or kept out of class. 
  • Non-uniform items are not allowed in school. This includes sweaters, T-shirts etc. 
  • Black or brown shoes only. 
  • ONLY discreet “Sleepers” may be worn if ears are pierced. 
  • No make-up is allowed at school except for Senior Girls (Years 6 and 7) who are allowed light make up and nail varnish. 
  • Boys in Years 1-5 must be clean shaven
  • Boys in Years 6 and 7 can expect a little more tolerance with regard to facial hair but are not allowed to grow beards. All boys in Years 6 and 7 are expected to be clean-shaven at the beginning of any school week (Normally, Monday, but this may be another day as a result of school holidays encroaching into the start of the week). Any boys with beards will be required to shave before returning to lessons or school. 
  • Hair must be neat and tidy.  Extreme hair styles/haircuts are not allowed. 
  • No hoodies are permitted 
  • The highest standards of appearance are expected at all times.
Students should take pride in their school uniform. If any student is found not to be in uniform or whose appearance is judged to be unacceptable, he or she may expect to be kept out of class until the correct uniform is worn or until general appearance has been addressed. Students who habitually come to school inappropriately dressed, or with unsatisfactory appearance will be sanctioned.

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