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Welcome to the Physical Education Department

The Physical Education Department aims for Excellence in all its activities.  This includes the teaching of PE in our morning lessons, our Afternoon Games provision and the wide range of Sporting ECA’s that we offer.
Our Departmental Vision is:
 “To aim for excellence and stand out as the Premier PE Department in Cyprus”
We try to develop the fitness and sporting skills of our students in a range of activities, whilst we also focus on the importance of respect, fair play, effort and enjoyment in all that we do.  In line with the philosophy of our Founder, we try to offer numerous sporting participation opportunities to our students.  One way of achieving this is through Afternoon Games, where we offer a wide range of activities to our students.  In addition, we provide numerous Sporting ECA’s at Club level (recreational sport) and at School Team level (competitive sport).
We aim to be active in the community and seek opportunities for our students to participate in events organised by the Ministry of Education, the Nicosia Private Schools as well as competitions organised by the Cyprus Sports Federations.  We regularly play competitive sport in a friendly atmosphere against the ESOBGA sports teams, as part of the Founder’s Day Events and the Salakian Hockey Tournament.
Morning Teaching of PE
Physical Education is taught in all Years of the School and includes a well-structured programme of Athletics, Basketball, Cross Country, Fitness Testing, Hockey, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, and Weight Training.
The PE Department offers the GCSE Course in Physical Education in Years 4 and 5 and the A-Level PE Course in Years 6 and 7.
Year 1
Physical Education Time:  Three periods (150’) of PE every Two Weeks and weekly Afternoon Games (80’)

  • Games:  Basketball, Football, Hockey, Softball, Volleyball, Tennis
  • Athletics – Running Events:  80m, 150m, 300m, 600m, 1000m, 80m/100m Hurdles, Relay
  • Athletics – Jumping Events:  High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump
  • Athletics – Throwing Events:  Discus, Javelin, Shot put
  • Cross country:  1500m
  • Fitness Tests:  Beep Test, Elbow Plank Test, Vertical Jump Test, Standing Overhead Medicine Ball Throw Test
  • Research Project:  Group project on chosen topic
  • Tennis:  Teaching of basic Tennis skills
  • Competitions:  Include Badminton, Handball, Table Tennis, Tennis

Year 2
Physical Education Time:  One period (50’) of PE per Week and weekly Afternoon Games (80’)
  • Games:  Basketball, Football, Hockey, Softball, Volleyball
  • Athletics – Running Events:  80m, 600m
  • Athletics – Jumping Events:  High Jump, Long Jump
  • Athletics – Throwing Events:  Javelin, Shot put
  • Cross country:  1500m
  • Fitness Tests:  Beep Test
  • Competitions:  Include Badminton, Handball, Table Tennis, Tennis

Year 3
Physical Education Time:  One period (50’) of PE per Week and weekly Afternoon Games (80’)
  • Games:  Basketball, Football, Hockey, Softball, Volleyball
  • Athletics – Running Events:  150m, 300m, 1000m, 80m/100m Hurdles, Relay
  • Athletics – Jumping Events:  Triple Jump
  • Athletics – Throwing Events:  Discus
  • Cross country:  1500m
  • Fitness Tests:  Beep Test
  • Competitions:  Include Badminton, Handball, Hockey, Softball, Table Tennis, Tennis

Year 4
Physical Education Time:  One period (50’) of PE per Week
  • Games:  Basketball, Football, Hockey, Softball, Volleyball
  • Athletics – Running Events:  200m, 1500m
  • Athletics – Jumping Events:  High Jump
  • Athletics – Throwing Events:  Discus
  • Cross country:  2000m
  • Fitness Tests:  Beep Test
  • Competitions:  Include Badminton, Handball, Table Tennis, Tennis

Year 5
Physical Education Time:  One period (50’) of PE per Week
  • Games:  Basketball, Football, Hockey, Softball, Volleyball
  • Athletics – Running Events:  400m, 100m/110m Hurdles
  • Athletics – Jumping Events:  Triple Jump
  • Athletics – Throwing Events:  Shot put
  • Cross country:  2000m
  • Fitness Tests:  Beep Test
  • Competitions:  Include Badminton, Handball, Hockey, Softball, Table Tennis, Tennis

Year 6
Physical Education Time:  One period (50’) of PE every Two Weeks
  • The emphasis is on participation and effort in physical activity of choice

Year 7
Physical Education Time:  One period (50’) of PE every Week
  • The emphasis is on participation and effort in physical activity of choice

GCSE:  Physical Education Course (8582) offered by AQA
Lesson Time:  Six periods (300’) every two Weeks

Assessment:  External Exam (Paper 1 - 30%, Paper 2 - 30%), Practical Options (3 Sports) 30%, Coursework (Analysis & Evaluation of Performance) 10%

The course aims:  The course aims at encouraging students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle and develop their own fitness levels.  Students will learn how they can exercise safely using accepted principles and methods of training and will improve their skills in their chosen sports.  In addition, the course will help students advance their tactical awareness in competition in order to maximise their chances of success.  Another aim of the programme is to help students participate in sport in the best psychological state of mind, so that they can play hard and enjoy what they do, within the principles of good sportsmanship.
The theoretical part of the course will help students understand how the body functions and how physical activity can positively affect their health and fitness.  In particular, the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular and skeletal systems will be studied in detail, so that students can understand both the short-term and long-term effects of training on the human body.

Further topics that will be taught in the course include nutrition, sports psychology, sports sociology and biomechanics.  Students will be able to use the knowledge gained in the theoretical part of the course to develop their own performance in their selected sports. By the end of the programme, each individual will be able to analyse their own strengths and weaknesses in their main sport and design a training plan for further improvement in their performance.

Afternoon Games
Afternoon Games is one of the long-standing traditions of The English School, aiming to provide further sporting opportunities to our students within our House system.  Students are exposed to various sports and are supervised by the members of the PE Department and our Specialist Afternoon Games Coaches.  They take part in multiple sports activities with younger and older boys and girls, under the guidance of their Head of House.  Students can participate competitively in school sports by being selected to represent their House and they have the chance to develop into leaders, captaining their peers.  Those who prefer a more relaxed, social and fun approach to sport may participate in non-competitive physical recreation activities, with the emphasis placed on strengthening their friendships and improving their fitness.
Afternoon Games is a part of the school curriculum, and all students in Years 1-3 are expected to attend on the relevant days and times:

Junior Boys (Years 1, 2, 3) Thursdays 14.10 - 15.30
Junior Girls (Years 1, 2, 3) Fridays 14.10 - 15.30

Commitment to Excellence and Enjoyment
In everything we do, our goal is to foster a positive sporting environment where students are encouraged to enjoy themselves, embrace a healthy lifestyle, and do their best.  We are here to support every student, whether they are aspiring athletes or simply looking to stay active and have fun with their friends on the playing field.
Welcome to our PE Department, where every student is inspired to be their best!

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