Career Opportunities

The extract below was taken from the UCAS website:

The physical fitness and good teamwork which come from an interest in physical education and playing sports can be useful in many different careers including leisure, sport and tourism, education and training, armed forces, security and uniformed services, management:

  • sports and exercise science
  • sport
  • business, personal training and sports massage
  • travel and tourism
  • outdoor leisure
    • uniformed public services
    • leisure centre assistant
    • gym instructor
    • PE and school sport coach
    • fitness instructor
    • personal trainer
    • lifeguard
Skills and qualities - from studying physical education:
  • Teamwork:  You will need to be able to listen to other team members and take on board each other’s opinions and ideas.
  • Physical fitness:  You will need to be physically fit, agile, and strong.
  • Time management:  You will need to be able to manage your time efficiently and make deadlines.
  • Organisation:  You will need to be able to plan and schedule work. This could include being able to prioritise what needs to be done and by when.
  • Communication:  If your job requires verbal communication, you may need to write or give speeches and presentations. For jobs which require written communication skills, you will need to write clearly and convincingly. You may also require good listening skills, the ability to negotiate or to be persuasive.
  • Analytics:  You will be collecting and examining information in detail to arrive at a solution, to answer a key question or make an informed decision.
  • Discipline:  You need to know and do what is expected of you. This ranges from organising yourself, being on time, to being responsible. Some jobs need particular discipline skills such as being able to persevere with the task and plans until you accomplish them, or following strict procedures.
  • Leadership:  You will need to be able to motivate, enthuse and build respect. Leadership often means having a vision of where you want the team or business to be. Good leaders understand the way others feel and behave, they have charisma which makes people want to follow them, as well as a balance of assertiveness and empathy.
  • Interpersonal skills:  You will need listening and speaking skills, as well as empathy,  to build friendships and ensure good working relationships. 
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