Design and Technology Vision Statement

Our vision is that through the teaching of Design and Technology, our students will learn how to: manage and control risks, work safely with a variety of tools and materials, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. By taking part in an inspiring and rigorous practical subject, we hope that the children will use their creativity, imagination and social interaction skills to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems in a variety of contexts – understanding the processes involved from planning through making to evaluation and refinement. During the teaching of design and technology, a wide range of new skills will be acquired and the knowledge of other subjects, such as Mathematics, science, engineering, ICT and art, will be drawn upon and applied.

Design and Technology are embedded into the STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Maths) subjects and provides an excellent foundation for the Product Designers, Engineers and Architects of the future.

Aims & Objectives

Our aims:

  1. To stimulate and maintain student interest, enjoyment, curiosity and concern about technological aspects of the environment, both local and international in Design and Technology.
  2. To enable students to become familiar with the knowledge, principles, skills and vocabulary of Design and Technology along with a developed knowledge of different categories of materials (smart) and their properties.
  3. To enable students to be confident and competent in “design for purpose” and making quality products which are “fit for purpose”.
  4. To enable students to evaluate and improve upon a design or product as well as considering the needs of the user and evaluating it against specification criteria.
  5. To develop an awareness of the role of Design and Technology in the development of the modern world and emerging new technologies and their impact upon the planet and the human race.
  6. To develop an enjoyment in risk-taking, creativity, innovation and problem solving of technological problems.
  7. To develop the skills which enable students to make reasoned decisions about the implications of technological advances and to apply principles of nutrition and health to improve their lifestyles?
  8. To develop through Design and Technology a range of desirable personal qualities that will enable students to become confident, committed and co-operative members of society.
  9. To reflect and draw upon the work of past and present designers and design movements along with gaining inspiration from other sources such as nature.
  10. To develop a wide technical vocabulary whilst promoting good literacy skills.


Our objectives:

  1. To provide a range of teaching and learning styles that enable full access to the D&T curriculum.
  2. To deliver schemes of work that cover the new 2019 Programmes of Study for GCSE and relevant qualifications at A level.
  3. To provide a safe and secure working environment for all students and staff.
  4. To challenge students to achieve through project work and to have the ability to “risk takers” and become independent learners.
  5. To develop skills essential for a product’s evaluation and design modification.
  6. To provide an appropriate range of homework activities.
  7. To provide activities that enable students to draw and communicate as well as being able to model in 3D forms.
  8. To provide opportunities for students to discuss technological issues in a ‘real life’ context.
  9. To promote the use of ICT (CAD/CAM) in both developing and communicating ideas.
  10. To develop a range of high-quality practical skills to facilitate the making of high-quality products.
  11. To provide students with the knowledge and understanding of the  process of design and Re-design (iterate)
  12. To provide and promote clear communication between the department and the parents of students who require intervention or help. 



 The policy of the Department is guided by the following principles.
The Department of Health and Safety policy are complementary to the School policy.
It is the responsibility of all staff concerned to ensure that all health and safety requirements are adhered to at all times. If in doubt the process should be stopped.
All staff and students should be aware of the inherent hazards involved in the many aspects of Design & Technology, and their own responsibility towards the health and safety of themselves and others.
The effective management of safety within the department can be seen as having four major components:

  • Risk assessment and planning before a lesson.
  • The organisation of routines during and between lessons.
  • Control including risk assessment and planned maintenance.
  • Monitor and review as appropriate.


 In the department teachers are expected to follow the following guidelines:
  • No unauthorized person allowed in the department.
  • No unsupervised student allowed in the department.
  • When not in use the Technology Centre should be kept locked.
  • Only staff with the appropriate certification, qualification or experience are to operate the machinery or to supervise students. Unqualified staff (lesson cover) are not expected to supervise inappropriate practical tasks.
  • Appropriate discipline should be maintained at all times.
  • Any defects in machinery, equipment, lightening should be reported and notices posted. The Head of the department will then ensure that the defect is rectified.
  • No student to carry out any operation without, the permission of the teacher, appropriate training in the safe use of the equipment, appropriate supervision, and appropriate safety equipment being used.
  • Only one student to operate a machine or piece of equipment at any one time, all students must stand clear.
  • All machinery and equipment to undergo regular maintenance.
  • All staff and students must report any incident involving injury or accident.
  • Principles of good classroom management must be observed at all times, such as work-tops must be uncluttered and the floor free from obstruction.
  • All fire and safety equipment and exits must be free of obstruction and operable at all times when the department is in use.
  • The area must be left in a safe and tidy condition.


Health and Safety


The department will follow the School codes of practice to control the use of hazardous substances and thereby protect both the staff and the pupils. The following steps will be taken : -

  • · All substances should be clearly marked.
  • · Information concerning potential hazards and correct working practices will be given to the staff and the pupils either verbally or in written form.
  • · Only limited stocks of hazardous substances will be kept if possible.
  • · Care will be taken to reduce the amount of dust where possible.
  • · To avoid using hazardous materials/substances and try to substitute safer alternatives where possible.
  • · Staff will have full access to information, both county and manufacturers concerning hazardous materials.
  • · In the workshop pupils should have access to hazard cards to reinforce information given by the teacher.
  • · To provide and maintain extraction equipment to improve air quality.

County Policy - COSHH Risk Assessment.
Examine School Safety policy.

Risk Assessment

As part of the department curriculum and individual lesson planning, due consideration should be given to the potential risks involved in the activity. Staff should assess if they can teach the course content safely and if the pupils would be able to successfully carry out a task in a classroom environment. They should follow any codes of practice and use the risk assessments provided by the ESCC.
Staff plan
· Plan lessons with personal and pupil welfare in mind.
· Assess the risks of each individual activity.
· Where required to decide upon control measures to reduce risk.
· Communicate any potential problems to senior members of staff.
· Provide an environment where staff and pupils can work safely.
· Have full access to all literature on risk assessments and know where to find them

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