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Meet Our History Department Team

Inspiring Critical Thinkers and Lifelong Learners

Our History Department is led by a team of dedicated educators passionate about fostering a deep understanding of the past and its impact on the present. With a commitment to developing critical thinking, empathy, and analytical skills, our faculty members guide students on a journey through history, helping them connect with events, people, and ideas that shape our world. Together, they inspire students to become thoughtful, informed individuals with a lifelong appreciation for history.

Ms. Sylvana Jamgochian (SJA)
BA (Hons) History (University of Bristol)
IPGCE (University of Buckingham)

Ms. Maria Constantinidou (MCN)
MA (Hons) History (University of Glasgow)
MSc (University of Glasgow)

Ms. Maria Rousou (MRO)
BA (Hons) History; MA History (University of Vancouver)
BA (Hons) English Literature & Language (University of Cyprus)
SPLD (College of Teachers UK)

Ms. Maria Karolidou (MKA)
BA (Hons) History (University of Southampton)
MRes History (University of Warwick)

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