Page 20 - ES MAG 2018 dig
P. 20

Time Travel

              with Helen Leonidou

              by Alexandra Kassinis 5B

              We all (usually) like our school, but I gained a whole new appreciation for its
              amazing past through a recent conversation with Ms Helen Leonidou who has
              been part of the English School community since she arrived as a 4th former from
              England in 1963. Ms Leonidou generously shared some of her experiences and
              memories from her perspective as student, alumnus, parent and grandparent of
              current students and longtime sta member. From these memories, it is clear that
              those who support the School from within help to shape its identity over time.
              For this, the School owes Ms Leonidou a debt of thanks!

              We know you as the Secretary of the Board,       while the “ES for boys” was at the current school location. In
              but how did you start working at the School?     1962, it became the rst gender-integrated school on the island.
                                                               In the main building courtyard, a wall was actually built to separate
              I graduated in 1967. After completing my A levels, and because   the girls from the boys in order to keep the girls “safe” from the
              I had simultaneously acquired administrative qualications, the   boys. (I think the boys were more frightened of us girls though.)
              Headmaster, Mr Antony Eggleston, hired me as his assistant right   We spent breaks talking to the boys through the cracks in the
              after graduation. I was also honoured to be secretary to Mr David   bricks, because it was frowned upon to talk to the opposite gender
              Humphreys when he rst joined the School in 1968 – a Headmaster   outside of class! The Years 5, 6, and 7 went to school at the
              who left an unforgettable mark on our School until his retirement   Akropolis Lyceum campus whereas the Years 1, 2, 3, and 4 went
              in 1988. I left the School for a while after getting married to live   to school at the current main building campus. Teachers had to
              abroad but somehow found my way back—I’ve been the Board’s   run from one building to another every day! It kept them t and
      18      Secretary for 30 odd years since!                some used bicycles which we would sneakily move from where
                                                               they were parked and then take great hilarity in watching the
              “We are all lucky         What is the biggest  poor bewildered teachers try to nd them. From this you will
                   to belong to         change you have        appreciate that our idea of ‘a good time and fun’ was far tamer
                                                               than it is today! In 1970, everyone moved to the current ES location
                                        witnessed at the
                     this family.”      School?                and gave the Akropolis Lyceum building to the government who
                                                               in return funded the construction of the old Newham building
                                        In 1957, The English School  which was demolished a few years ago for safety reasons. We
                        – Ms Helen Leonidou  for Girls was founded and  have been fortunate that the Government has since funded
              up to 1962, the School operated separately for girls and boys.  the Science Building and the new Newham Building which is
              The “ES for girls” was located at the current Akropolis Lyceum  now under construction.

                Main Building in 1950s
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