Page 16 - ES MAG 2018 dig
P. 16

News from Careers

              & University Entry

              by Natasa Ashioti, UCAS & Careers Officer                                           Portal
              and Stella Nicolaou, Universities Administrator                                 ‘Reviving our graduates’
                                                                                                 ties with their
              It is always a privilege to work with young people,                                 School’
              especially the students we have the good fortune to
              work with and get to know at our school. Graduates, this
              is an exciting time for you all as it marks both an ending
              and an important beginning! Remember that ‘success’ is
              not only about academic excellence: it is also about
              taking pride in how far you have come and making the
              most of what life has to oer you. We hope that you will
              look back on your time at the English School with
              fondness and that you will come back to tell us your
              news – we’ll always be happy to see you!

                                    “The English School does                         “Amongst others,
                                    not only get you into the                        this school has inspired me,
                                    best universities in the                         cultivated me, made me
                                    world, it helps you grow                         feel at home, made me
      14                            as an individual. If it wasn’t                   feel part of a community
                                    for this school, I wouldn’t be
                                                                                     like no other. Leaving
                                    half the man I am today.                         makes me sad, but I also
                                    And for that, I am grateful.”                    know that these seven

                                    - Filios Nicolaou,                               years have prepared me
                                      Brown University, USA                          for anything and for
                                                                                     - Despina Demetriadou, Physics
                                                                                        University of Edinburgh
               DON’T                          e-news...
                   MISS                       quarterly newsletter
                                                    our new
                    this year’s
              ‘Which Degree Fair’                is set to launch
              Wednesday 5  Sept,
                                                 end of August!
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