Page 7 - I have a dream
P. 7


                                                                                            Mr Lambon was
                                                                                             interviewed by
                                                                                           Maria Eirini Liodi 7Y
                                                                                           Maria Eirini has been
                                                                                          active in the creative and
                                                                                          performing arts activities
                                                                                           at school, along with
                                                                                         always being a prominent
                                                                                            figure in our sports
                                                                                         community. She is planning
                                                                                         to take a gap year to work,
                                                                                         develop her skills in acting,
                                                                                           languages and sport,
                                                                                           whilst enjoying a more
                                                                                         leisurely approach toward
                                                                                           her study of literature.
                                                                                          From there, the plan is to
                                                                                          study English and Drama
                                                                                            the following year.
            the uncertain

                and delve

                  into the

          Advice for the graduating
          “My advice is always the same – make use of
        every opportunity that you have and don’t keep                                                            headmaster’s  interview
        doing the same thing. Entering a completely
        different chapter of your lives next year, embrace
        the uncertain and delve into the new. If you don’t
        consider yourself much of a sportsperson, maybe
        join the canoe club, or if you’ve never experienced
        public speaking, join the political society. You’re
        never going to get 3-4 years like this again. Make
        the most of every opportunity because it’s a gift
        you’ll never be given again.” And if I can add, I hope
        that we keep dreaming big, despite the increased
        adversity of the past few years. One thing that
        came across as a certainty from my discussion with
        Mr Lambon, is that the path isn’t linear. Whichever                                                    05
        path you’re on, and wherever you’re aiming to go,
        don’t shy away from change – the path is meant to
        meander a little (or a lot) – that’s how it is.
          Oh, and in case you are wondering about the
        professional golfer aspirations, I should add that
        although Mr Lambon is trying to come to terms
        with the fact that it is unlikely that he will fulfil his
        dream of following a golf career, he seems to have
        settled for a more realistic future involvement in
        sport – “My wife and I think it’s more likely that I’ll
        retire In the next ten years and I’ll take a job cutting
        grass at the golf course” – that doesn’t sound like
        an all-that-bad plan to me!                                                            Nefeli Savvidou 6J
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