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Blood Donation

05 Apr. 2022

Blood  Donation In loving memory of Ioanna Skordi
Blood Donation In loving memory of Ioanna Skordi
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In loving memory of Ioanna Skordi

The English School community is organising a blood donation
in memory of our student Ioanna Skordi, daughter of our beloved colleague Antoinetta Skordi.

Monday 11th April, from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
in the School Study Centre (next to Acropolis Gymnasium)

Staff, Students (over 17), Parents/Guardians and Alumni
are welcome to join.

  1. Students of Year 6 and 7 who have already participated in the December blood donation and wish to donate again do not have to bring a consent form. All other students who are 17+ need to ensure their parents complete the online form. Due to the fact that, the blood donation is taking place on school grounds ALL students participating should have a completed online submission from their parents. Submissions should take place by Thursday 7th April.  Click here for the online form
  1. People interested in participating in the blood donation should click here for the online form. Submissions will be accepted by Thursday 7th April.
  1. All volunteers should bring their identity cards and Safe Pass with them. Previous blood donors should remember to bring their relevant cards with them. A permission form is also needed for those who already have a card.

           On the day of the event volunteers must make sure that they have had some breakfast.

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