Year 5 Parents virtual information evening
The Headmaster, Exams Office and The Pastoral Team would like to invite you all to a Year 5 Parents virtual information evening
On: Wednesday 17th march
Time: 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Join the ONLINE TEAMS event by clicking here
or copy the URL below in your browser:
- The return to school after lockdown, routines and expectations, how parents can support, and where to get help.
Assistant Head Ms Anna Tellalis, HoY5 Ms Niki Melanidou, Inclusion Officer Ms Maria Papagapiou
- Mock Exams, iGCSEs, key dates, ES Apolytirion and post-Easter transition to year 6
The Headmaster Mr David Lambon, Senior Assistant Head Ms Ursula Pantelides and Assistant Head Ms Maria Rousou
- Questions and answers
Kind regards,
The English School