The English School Year 4 Economics Revision Session to Take Place on 29/4

06 Apr. 2023

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Our Year 4 students are scheduled to have an Economics revision session on Saturday, 29th April, the first Saturday after the Easter break. 

The session is expected to accommodate 112 students and will be divided into two parts.

The first part of the session, part A, will focus on labour markets and see the 112 students split into three groups of 37 students each. The groups will be accommodated in different rooms, including rooms N02 and N03, the lecture theatre, and rooms N10, N11, and N12. ESPA will provide snacks for the students during the session.

The times of the sessions are as follows: Session 1 from 9 am to 11 am, followed by a 15-minute break, and then Session 2 from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm.

We wish all Year 4 students the best of luck during the revision session and hope they find the session informative and helpful in their studies.

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