Class 6 Red Brings Joy to Kalaydjian Rest Home for the Elderly
On December 28th, the students and form tutor of Class 6 Red embraced the true spirit of giving by visiting the Kalaydjian Rest Home for the Elderly as part of their Act of Kindness Initiative.
The visit was filled with heartwarming moments as students took the time to engage with the residents, listening to their life stories and learning about their unique backgrounds and experiences. This meaningful exchange allowed students to connect across generations and gain a deeper appreciation for the wisdom and contributions of the elderly in our community.
As part of the visit, the class organized a lively game of bingo, complete with prizes for the winners, adding an element of fun and excitement to the day. They also brought along homemade baked goods, lovingly prepared, to share with both the residents and staff, spreading joy and warmth throughout the home.
This experience not only brought smiles to the faces of the residents but also left a lasting impression on the students. Through this initiative, they learned the importance of kindness, compassion, and the value of community, lessons they will carry with them for years to come.
We extend our gratitude to the students, their form tutor, and the Kalaydjian Rest Home for making this visit so memorable. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, truly have the power to brighten lives and strengthen our sense of community.