Decking the Halls with Year 1 Cheer!

24 Nov. 2023

Spreading Xmas Joy
Spreading Xmas Joy
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It's that magical time of year again when our school transforms into a winter wonderland, and the halls are filled with laughter and holiday spirit. This year, seven Year 1 students, along with the Head of Year 1 and the Assistant Head, embarked on a heartwarming journey to decorate the Lloyd's tree, turning it into a beacon of holiday joy.

The act of decorating a Christmas tree is more than just putting up ornaments; it's a tradition that brings people together and creates cherished memories. Our Year 1 student volunteers had the incredible opportunity to participate in this festive tradition, guided by the experienced hands of our dedicated staff.   

Seeing our students' eyes lit up with excitement was lovely as they carefully selected ornaments and decorations to adorn Lloyd's tree. Our Head of Year 1 and Assistant Head joined in on the fun, showing their support and enthusiasm every step of the way. Their presence not only added to the festivities but also emphasized the importance of unity and camaraderie within our school community.

As the Lloyd's tree transformed into a symbol of holiday cheer, it brought a sense of warmth and belonging to our school. 

As we approach the holiday season, let us remember the importance of coming together, cherishing the traditions that bind us, and spreading kindness and goodwill.

May the lights on the Lloyd's tree shine bright, guiding us through a season filled with love and happiness.

Happy holidays, everyone!

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