Join us for a Q&A Session about Sciences Po

24 Nov. 2023

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Are you curious about Sciences Po, the prestigious international research university that's both highly selective and open to the world? Do you have questions about the admission process, academic offerings, or student experiences?

Are you curious about Sciences Po, the prestigious international research university that's both highly selective and open to the world? Do you have questions about the admission process, academic offerings, or student experiences?

We're excited to invite you to a special Q&A session with Eleni Protopapa, a current student at Sciences Po! She will share insights into her journey at Sciences Po and answer all your questions.

Event Details:
Date: November 24, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM (Cyprus Time)

Sciences Po, with its worldwide reputation for excellence, offers a Bachelor’s degree program that spans three years on one of its seven stunning campuses. This program provides courses in both English and French and offers the opportunity for dual degrees with UCL and Columbia University.

Founded in the study of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sciences Po covers six main disciplines: law, economics, humanities, history, political science, and sociology, all complemented by artistic and scientific disciplines.

Don't miss this chance to learn more about Sciences Po and discover the incredible opportunities it offers to students like Eleni!

To learn more about Sciences Po, visit: Science Po  - details about the programme in English

Join us via Zoom for this enlightening session:
Zoom Meeting Link: SciencesPo Q&A Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 2213 3311

Can't make it to the live event? No worries! You can watch a fascinating video about Sciences Po here: Sciences Po Video

Don't miss this opportunity to explore Sciences Po and have all your questions answered.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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