Oxi Day - The English School Celebrates Valor and Unity

01 Nov. 2023

School Parade
School Parade
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On Wednesday, October 28th, The English School stood united to commemorate Oxi Day, a day of immense historical significance for Greece and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. This day marks the courageous "No" that changed the course of history during World War II.

Our students from Year 6 and Year 7 have proven themselves as true ambassadors of unity and valour as they participated in this year's School Parade. They proudly embody the values that Oxi Day represents, carrying the torch of resilience and strength forward.

As we celebrated Oxi Day, we honoured the bravery of those who stood up against tyranny and adversity, and we celebrated the students who serve as ambassadors of these values within our school community. Their participation in the parade exemplifies the school's commitment to instilling these principles in our students, nurturing a new generation of leaders who stand for unity and courage.

We congratulate the students below for their participation:


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