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School magazine 2020 - Kaleidoscope.

04 Sept. 2020

School Magazine 2020
School Magazine 2020
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We are very proud to present the School magazine 2020 - Kaleidoscope. 

The theme for the School Magazine this year is:
It follows on from last year's theme - Change.

A kaleidoscope constantly generates changing symmetrical patterns from small pieces of coloured glass, and therefore a kaleidoscope can symbolise anything that changes constantly.
The kaleidoscope can also be used as a metaphor for life: with each twist in the cosmic universe, we will experience a change in the settings of our lives. We adapt and live with the change as we adjust our vision to the new pattern of life set before us.

The School Magazine is the official magazine of the school, the only printed periodical we produce each year.
We invite you to read through the pages that are well-written, thoughtful and thought-provoking articles, essays and poems which will show our remarkable students and staff.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together!

Click here to view the magazine: http://www.englishschool.ac.cy/udata/contents//files/FlipBooks/esmagazine_2020/index.html

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