Marinos Shines in CVAR's Seascape Drawing Contest

04 Jul. 2023

Marinos Shines in CVAR's Seascape Drawing Contest
Marinos Shines in CVAR's Seascape Drawing Contest
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In a recent art competition organized by the Cultural Foundation "CVAR" with a captivating theme centred around the sea, young artist Marinos showcased his talent and emerged victorious. 

Marinos Serrurier, in 1G, participated in two categories, biodiversity and human activity, and claimed the prestigious 2nd and 3rd prizes, respectively. With an impressive number of entries, Marinos' achievements are a testament to his artistic prowess and dedication.

Marinos' artistic achievements in the CVAR Seascape Drawing Contest have brought immense pride and joy to his family and the ES community. With over 600 participants, his remarkable achievement of securing the 2nd prize in the biodiversity category and the 3rd prize in the human activity category is truly commendable.

The Centre of Visual Arts & Research (CVAR) organised their 3rd Pancyprian Drawing Contest for students aged 5 to 12, titled "My beloved sea...a dive into art." Organized under the auspices of the Deputy Ministry of Tourism, the contest aimed to bring the magic of the sea to life through children's drawings and highlight its significance in art. Participants were encouraged to explore various aspects of the sea, including its valuable ecosystem, associated human activities, and the emotions it evokes. The contest draws inspiration from the museum's painting collection, which showcases renowned seas, landscapes, and ports of Cyprus as depicted by travelling artists between 1700 and 1960. The students were required to create a seascape drawing based on the museum's paintings and their own experiences, focusing on one of the three thematic units: biodiversity, human activity, or feelings. 

Marinos' artwork showcased his deep understanding of marine life and the intricate relationship between humans and the sea. In the biodiversity category, his piece captured the diverse flora and fauna that thrive beneath the ocean's surface. In contrast, in the human activity category, he depicted the symbiotic connection between people and the sea, highlighting their interdependence and mutual respect.

Winning prizes in a competition as esteemed as the CVAR Seascape Drawing Contest holds great significance for Marinos' artistic journey. We want to congratulate Marinos for his achievement once again.  We are proud of you!  Continue to create and inspire the world. 


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