Join Us in Spreading Holiday Cheer!

24 Nov. 2023

From our Table
From our Table
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Support Our Xmas Village Grand Raffle. 
​The holiday season is just around the corner, and here at The English School, we are excited to celebrate it in a special way with our Xmas Village Grand Raffle! 

To make this event truly magical, we seek our wonderful community's generosity. We invite you to contribute to the festivities by donating any of the following items:

  • Baked Goods: Your favourite holiday treats, from cookies to cakes, will add sweetness to our raffle.
  • Festive Hampers: Share the joy of the season with beautifully curated holiday hampers.
  • Raffle Prizes: Exciting items that will delight the lucky winners.
  • Vouchers: Gift cards or vouchers from local businesses are a fantastic addition to our raffle.
  • Home-Made Gifts/Items: Crafted with love, your homemade creations will make someone's holiday extra special.
Your generous donations will significantly make our Xmas Village Grand Raffle a memorable event for everyone involved. The proceeds from the baked goods sales will also contribute to our fundraising efforts, supporting the 'Adopt a Family' Cyprus Volunteering Programme as well as to a charity chosen by the family in memory of Ioanna.

How to Donate:
If you would like to contribute, please complete this online form by click here or copying this link in your browser:

At The English School, we believe that the spirit of giving is what truly makes the holiday season magical. Your kindness and support are greatly appreciated, and they help us create joyful memories for those less fortunate than ourselves. 

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