Wave Racing: From Cyprus & Greece to the Aramco F1 in Schools World Finals 2023

12 Sept. 2023

F1 in Singapore
F1 in Singapore
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Exciting News from Singapore! The international stage is set, and our hearts are pounding with pride as we announce that the remarkable English School Team, Wave Racing, a dynamic collaboration between Cyprus & Greece, is currently representing our schools at the prestigious Aramco F1 in Schools World Finals 2023 in the vibrant city of Singapore! 

Racing Against the Best:
In the heart of Singapore, Wave Racing is ready to take on the world! Competing against teams from all corners of the globe, our team is gearing up for an adrenaline-pumping showdown that promises to be nothing short of spectacular. As the world watches, they'll showcase their engineering prowess, teamwork, and unwavering determination.

Watch Live:
For all of us eager to witness this incredible journey unfold, the opening ceremony and the first two racing sessions of Day 1 will be streamed live. Set your reminders and catch the action here: Live Stream Link.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICvTzIR147Q

Stay Tuned:
But that's not all! The adventure doesn't end with Day 1. To follow Wave Racing's remarkable journey throughout the competition, be sure to subscribe to the F1 in Schools YouTube channel for all the live streams and updates. https://www.youtube.com/@F1inSchoolsHQ/streams

Let's unite as a community and show our unwavering support for Wave Racing!  Tune in, cheer them on, and share this post with your friends, family, and fellow students. Let the world know that Wave Racing has our full backing!

Best of Luck:
As they embark on this extraordinary journey, we wish Wave Racing the best of luck. Your dedication and hard work have brought you to this global stage, and we do not doubt that you will make us immensely proud. Remember, you're not just representing yourselves; you're representing The English School and the legacy we stand for. 

The Aramco F1 in Schools World Finals 2023 promises to be thrilling, and Wave Racing is at the forefront, carrying our hopes and dreams. Let's rally behind them, share their accomplishments, and celebrate their achievements as they race towards victory! 

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