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Exciting Greek Competitions Announcement

15 Dec. 2023

Ministry of Education Cyprus Greek Competitions Announcement
Ministry of Education Cyprus Greek Competitions Announcement
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Get ready to showcase your talents and ignite your passion for the Greek language! 

Why Participate?

  • Enhance Language Skills: Sharpen your Greek language skills and boost your written and spoken expression confidence.
  • Unleash Creativity: Explore the depths of your imagination and share your unique perspectives through creative writing and oratory skills.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Greek culture, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for its heritage.
  • Recognition and Prizes: Stand a chance to be recognized for your exceptional talents and win exciting prizes that celebrate your achievements.

How to Participate?
  • Check the details below for each competition.
  • Contact your Greek teacher or the Head of Greek, Ms. Christina Ioakimidou (christina.ioakimidou@englishschool.ac.cy) at your school for registration details.
  • Choose the competition category that aligns with your interests and strengths.
  • Prepare your submission.
  • Submit your entry by the specified deadline.
Let this be an opportunity not only to showcase your skills but also to foster a sense of community and cultural pride. We encourage every student to embrace this chance for growth, learning, and celebration.

12ος Διαγωνισμός Δημιουργικής Γραφής στη μνήμη Μίμη Σουλιώτη (2023-2024), «Οδυσσέας Ελύτης (1911-1996)»
Deadline: Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Details: Competition Link

Διαγωνισμός «Ειρηνική επίλυση διαφορών και αξία του διαλόγου»
Period of Submission: April 22, 2024, to May 24, 2024
Details: Competition Link

Παγκύπριος Διαγωνισμός Ποίησης στην Κυπριακή Διάλεκτο για τους/τις μαθητές/-τριες των σχολείων Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης
Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2024
Details: Competition Link

Διαγωνισμός συγγραφής κειμένου-άρθρου με θέμα την προώθηση της έμφυλης ισότητας στην επιλογή σπουδών και επαγγέλματος
Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2024
Details: Competition Link

Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your skills, celebrate your culture, and win recognition and prizes. Embrace the challenge, and let your talents shine!


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