Update on our Erasmus+
I like things to happen, and if they don’t happen, I like to make them happen – Winston Churchill
On the 24th April our Erasmus team headed by Ms. Katia Solomidou left for Norway for their first learning meeting in Norway with the partner schools. It will last one school week and 24 students from 6 different countries will be hosted by the Norwegian school.
29th April 2016 is the last day of the Erasmus+ activities in Norway. Students from the seven partner countries have worked together in a variety of tasks assigned by the host school while sharing home with their host local families. They have witnessed the strength of unity and teamwork and experienced the amazing feeling of reaching the top of the 4 km long and 600 m uphill pulpit rock. The seemingly farfetched goal of climbing up this long and rocky lane to enjoy the magnificent view of the fjords from 600 metres above could not but nourish their self-confidence and cement their will for reaching their final goal with success.
The satisfaction of finally achieving a nearly 3 hour ascension and of savouring the breath-taking view of the fjords echoed their hitherto determination for success in life and their individual "visions of my future-me".
The E+ students will now prepare for the next Learning Meeting which will take place in Cyprus in September 2016.
Well done to Ulfet, Dila, Christos and Fotis for their genuinely positive team spirit during our stay here in Norway.