ERASMUS+ student mobility and job shadowing to Soverato, Italy

13 Oct. 2022

ERASMUS+ student mobility and job shadowing to Soverato, Italy
ERASMUS+ student mobility and job shadowing to Soverato, Italy
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​Our mobility to Italy has taken us on a great journey towards developing our EU identity and digital literacy skills, two of our Erasmus+ Accreditation targets for the period 2021-2027. 

The English School team of eleven Year 5 students, Mr K. Kutuglu and Ms K. Demetriou left Cyprus on the 8th October and after a bus, a plane, a train, and another bus, we arrived in Soverato on the evening of 9th fresh and ready to take on new challenges. 

Day 1 was all about culture. We arrived at our partner school, I.T.T. G.Malafarina for the opening ceremony.  Our students played their part by delivering excellent presentations about culture in Cyprus and exchanged ideas and thoughts with the Italian students and our other partner students from Volos, Greece.  In the afternoon we socialised with the local students and ate pizza and pasta.  An exciting football match took place in the evening, made even more dramatic as it started raining too!! 

Day 2 was all about digital literacy, we used video editing software to generate videos about our trip and responsibility allocations and then we coded for 2 hours straight. Our partner school is a technical school and digital literacy plays a huge part in the education of the Italian students. After lunch the students played a digital treasure hunt game around Soverato using “Goosechase” that was really fun! 

Ms Katie Demetriou who is job shadowing during this Erasmus+ mobility, got the chance to observe good practice and see how digital literacy can be used for educational purposes to enhance student motivation, engagement and creativity.

We look forward to what the coming Erasmus days will bring us!

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