Elevating Knowledge at the Erasmus+ International Tool Fair

01 Dec. 2023

Elevating Knowledge at the Erasmus+ International Tool Fair
Elevating Knowledge at the Erasmus+ International Tool Fair
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We are delighted to share an exciting update from our School Counsellor, who recently participated in the 17th edition of the Erasmus+ International Tool Fair (ITF) held during the week of November 13-17th. This annual event is a vibrant hub for knowledge exchange, bringing together over 100 representatives from diverse sectors, including Youth, Sports, School Education, Adult Education, and Vocational Education and Training.

Empowering Learning Through Innovative Methods:
The ITF is renowned for its role in fostering collaboration and sharing innovative methods and best practices, often referred to as "tools," that enhance both formal and non-formal learning. This year's theme, "Mental Health – Minds in Motion," was particularly timely and poignant. Co-hosted by Leargas, the Irish National Agency for Erasmus+, and Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health in Ireland, the event delved into the critical topic of mental health.

A Rich Experience:
Participants at the ITF enjoyed plenary talks by experts in the field engaged in experiential workshops that provided hands-on learning experiences. They embarked on enlightening visits to local youth centres. One of the highlights was a visit to The Cavan Centre, a significant support system for disadvantaged youth from inner-city Dublin, offering outdoor education as a transformative tool.

Impact on Our School Community:
We applaud our school counsellor's commitment to continuous learning and personal development. The insights gained from this experience will undoubtedly enrich our school community and contribute to our holistic approach to education.

We look forward to seeing how this valuable experience will further enhance our support and guidance to our students and the broader school ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue to grow and evolve in our pursuit of excellence in education.


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