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The English School welcomes Dr Kypros Nicolaides back to his alma mater.

24 Jun. 2022

The English School welcomes Dr Kypros Nicolaides back to his alma mater.
The English School welcomes Dr Kypros Nicolaides back to his alma mater.
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The English School community is excited to welcome the renowned Professor of Fetal Medicine, Dr. Kypros Nicolaides, English School graduate 1970,  at two special events on Saturday 25th June.  

On Saturday at 12.00 noon, students will have a rare chance to listen to Dr Nicolaides tracing key moments in his pioneering career and answer students’ questions. The talk will be preceded by the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the naming of the Science Building in honour of Dr Kypros Nicolaides.

On Saturday evening, Dr Nicolaides will attend the ELS22 Graduation Ceremony as Guest of Honour and will address graduates, parents/guardians, staff and management in what is expected to be a night full of emotion!


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