Celebrating Success at the Secondary Education Schools Sports Award Ceremony

30 Jun. 2023

Celebrating Success at the Secondary Education Schools Sports Award Ceremony
Celebrating Success at the Secondary Education Schools Sports Award Ceremony
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We are thrilled to share the exciting news that our students had the privilege of attending the prestigious Secondary Education Schools Sports Award Ceremony for the academic year 2022-2023, organized by the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth. The event occurred on Wednesday, June 28th, at the Olympic Hall.


We are very proud of our remarkable Basketball team, whose outstanding performance throughout the year was recognized and celebrated at this grand event. Their dedication, hard work, and teamwork have truly paid off.

We invite you to relive the memorable moments from the award ceremony through the captivating photos captured during the event. Witness the joy, excitement, and sense of achievement that radiated from our talented athletes as they received well-deserved recognition for their achievements. 

Our Basketball team's success inspires all our students, encouraging them to pursue their passions, give their best, and strive for excellence in academics and sports. We applaud their commitment to maintaining a healthy balance between their studies and athletic endeavours.

At The English School, we firmly believe in the holistic development of our students, and participation in sports plays a vital role in nurturing their physical fitness, discipline, and teamwork skills. We extend our gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Youth for organizing this prestigious ceremony, which acknowledges and encourages young athletes' achievements. 

We congratulate our incredible Basketball team once again for their outstanding performance and thank their coaches and supporters for their unwavering dedication and guidance. Together, we celebrate the power of sports to inspire, unite, and shape our students into confident and resilient individuals. 


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