Celebrating Outstanding Achievements at the BIMC Competition for Key Stage 3

13 Jul. 2023

Celebrating Outstanding Achievements at the BIMC Competition for Key Stage 3
Celebrating Outstanding Achievements at the BIMC Competition for Key Stage 3
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We are thrilled to extend our warmest congratulations to the three exceptional students from our school who recently participated in the highly prestigious BIMC competition for Key Stage 3. Their remarkable performances have brought great pride to our country and our school.

Philippos Rouvas deserves special recognition for his outstanding achievement, as he clinched the Silver medal. This victory showcases his exceptional mathematical abilities and serves as a testament to his dedication and hard work. Congratulations, Philippos! 

Giorgos Gavriel's merit award truly reflects his strong performance and unwavering dedication. We applaud his remarkable accomplishments and celebrate his passion for mathematics. Well done, Giorgos!

We are also delighted to congratulate Ioannis Ioannou for participating in the competition as one of the youngest members in Key Stage 3. Witnessing such talent and enthusiasm for mathematics at such a tender age is truly remarkable. Ioannis, your dedication is inspiring! 

We would also like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr Andreas Demetriou, the team leader. His invaluable involvement and guidance have played a crucial role in the success of our students. It is an additional honour for Mr Demetriou to have one of his problems selected for the prestigious competition in the Key Stage 2 category. This recognition highlights his expertise in creating challenging and thought-provoking mathematical problems. 

The achievements of our students, along with Mr Andreas Demetriou, epitomize the dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence within our school and country. Their accomplishments have left a lasting impact and are a shining example for aspiring mathematicians. We are immensely proud of their achievements! 

Once again, congratulations to all the participants of the BIMC competition for Key Stage 3. May their resounding success continue to inspire and motivate others to pursue their passions and excel in their endeavours. We look forward to witnessing the bright futures that lie ahead for these outstanding individuals!


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