​April is Global Astronomy Month

31 Mar. 2017

Astronomy month
Astronomy month
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The Astronomy Club will be arranging activities for all to participate in, throughout the month, the club is an affiliate group of the global organisation "Astronomers Without Borders" http://astronomerswithoutborders.org/ 

Here are some of the events we will be holding, more will be announced later.
1)Trip to the beach for observations: Saturday 1st April 18:00 to 24:00
2) Astropoetry and Astroart completion: deadline 28th April http://astronomerswithoutborders.org/event.html?id=404
3) Asteroid Hunt 4th April, lecture theatre
4)  Journey to the Moon: Friday 7th April, Moon Observations with children at Pernera Preschool 18:00 to 20:00
Astronomy is not only for scientists, everybody is welcome to participate. 

For further information please contact Ms Katie Demetriou, and student members of The English School Astronomy Club

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