Ara Mahdessian Shines at International Mathematical Olympiad, Secures Silver Medal!

13 Jul. 2023

Ara Mahdessian Shines at International Mathematical Olympiad,
Ara Mahdessian Shines at International Mathematical Olympiad,
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We are delighted to share the incredible news of Ara Mahdessian's outstanding achievement at Japan's International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO)!  Amidst fierce competition, Ara, a student from our School, has garnered a well-deserved silver medal, marking the fifth time a student from Cyprus has achieved this prestigious accolade. Our hearts swell with pride.

The International Mathematical Olympiad stands as a beacon for mathematical brilliance, attracting the finest young minds from across the globe. Ara's remarkable feat in securing a silver medal firmly establishes his position among the world's mathematical prodigies.

His triumph is a resounding inspiration for all our students, showcasing that they can accomplish extraordinary feats through unwavering determination and perseverance. This momentous occasion calls for celebration!

Let us unite in commemorating Ara's exceptional accomplishment and utilize it as a driving force to pursue excellence in all our pursuits. By nurturing and empowering our students, we continue to create an environment that fosters growth, propelling them to surpass boundaries and make us immensely proud.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Ara Mahdessian for this resplendent achievement!

Your remarkable performance elevates your personal success and showcases exceptional talent within our educational community. 


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