The English School Geography students do it again… even better than last year!
Our Students win the first six places in the Pan-Cyprian Cyprus Geographical Association Competition held on the 18th of February at the University of Cyprus campus. This involved two tests one of 45 minutes and the other of 3 hours!
The International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) is a competition for the best 16 to 19 year old geography students from all over the world. Four students represent each country in a series of Geography tests in (generally) a four-five day program.
An adult Team leader and International Board Member accompany each national team. The 14th International Geography Olympiad will be held in Belgrade Serbia under the auspices of the International Geographical Union Olympiad Task Force. The Olympiad will run from the 2nd to 8th August 2017.
The Cyprus Geographical Association organised a Pan-Cyprian Competition to select the four students that will represent Cyprus in the iGEO competition in Belgrade.
We were thrilled to find out that the first six places of the competition were awarded to our students:
1. Savvas Markou
2. Andreas Stylianou
3. Constantinos Anastasiou
4. Athina Eftychiou
The runner-ups are:
1. Charalambous Ioannou
2. Gorgem Ataben.
In last year’s competition, three of our students won medals at the iGeo competition in Beijing bringing home two silver and one bronze medal.
The distinguished students are:
- Constantinos Lordos, The English School, Silver medal
- Savvas Markou, The English School, Silver medal
- Orestes Michaelides, English School, Bronze medal
In light of this amazing accomplishment, the Ministry of Education promised to financially support this year’s participants, which is wonderful news.
Well done to our students! This once again reflects on the excellence of our school and the passion our students have.
We are sure that these students will once again put Cyprus and The English School on the Global Stage at the Geographical Olympiad this year and in years to come!
Enjoy the events from the two past events:
13th International Georgraphy Olympiad, which took place in Beijing China between the 16th to 22nd August 2016
The Cyprus Geography Team

Savvas Marcou recieving his Silver medal

Orestis Michalides recieving Bronze Medal

Constantinos Lordos recieving his silver medal

Group photo: Savvas Marcou,Orestis Michaelides,Constantinos Lordos

Special Award Ceremony to honor the medal-winning students held at the Central Offices of the Bank of Cyprus at Ayia Paraskevi on 26th October 2016 at 6pm.
Chairman of the ES board Dr Theocharides with Orestis Michalides

Minister of Education addressing the award ceremony organised by the Cyprus Geography Association

Orestis Michaelides addresing the audiance

Savvas Marcou talking about the iGeo experience

Savvas Marcouand Orestis Michaelides recieving certificates for their achievents at iGeo
Savvas Marcouand Orestis Michaelides recieving certificates for theier achievents at iGeo
Savvass Marcou,Orestis Michaelides reciving certificates Dr. Mavromatis and Mr. Boyadjian recieving awards on behalf of The English School