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University of Cambridge Information Evening

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From 14/03/2018, 19:00:00 To 14/03/2018, 20:00:00
The English School Lecture Theatre
Dr Emily Tomlinson, Fellow, Director of Admissions,
The Careers & University Entry Department is hosting a ‘University of Cambridge Information Evening’ for students interested in applying to the University of Cambridge.
We will be welcoming Dr Emily Tomlinson, Fellow, Director of Admissions,
Christ’s College, Cambridge on Wednesday 14th March 2018 from 7.00-8.00pm
in the School’s Lecture Theatre
This invitation is aimed primarily at students in Years 5, 6 and 7.
Please register your interest at careers.office@englishschool.ac.cy
by indicating the number of people who will be attending (2 people maximum per family)
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