Valerios won the first prize in the Upper School Short Story Competion and Chara won a commendation in the Upper School Poetry Competiton.
Well done to both our students!
Read Chara's poem: The Education System.
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The Education System
Who am I to judge wrong from right
to scold that child from uttering the first words that come to mind
to try to dim down his mind which shines, oh so bright
my motives to do so are themselves blurred and blind
Who are you to judge wrong from right
to scold my beliefs, principles and actions
to inculcate in me what they dictated to you
not realising it’s just a perpetual series of distractions
Who are we to judge wrong from right
All that we now know is all that we will.
we separate the colour black from the colour white
we separate, we classify, we restrain and we inform but still -
What’s going on around us
is it re-education, indoctrination?
is it a method of intimidation
to keep us in line?
in symmetrical verse?
in cages?
behind bars we will never breach
behind truths we will never reach
who are we?
who are you?
who am I?