Activities Listing
Our students debated with French politicians in the framework of the French EU presidency
In March, four of our students, Anna Petrides, Panayiotis Hadjicostis, Lara Wilks and Maria Thanassa, were selected to participate in a debate with French and Cypriot politicians.
Pancyprian Senior Boys & Girls Athletics Competition 2022
Our Senior Boys and Girls participated in the Pancyprian Athletics Competition on the 29th March 2022 in Limassol.
Orientation Evening
We were delighted to welcome our new prospective Year 1 students and their parents to our Orientation Evenings on 23rd and 24th March.
1st place for our Junior School Basketball Team
We are delighted to announce that our Junior School Basketball Team finished 1st place in the Nicosia Basketball School Tournament.
Successful participation in the iGeo National Competition
The International Geography Olympiad (iGEO) is an annual competition for 16 to 19-year-old Geography students worldwide.
Sunny days return
With the return of clear skies and our students took advantage of this during IGCSE physics lessons to observe our nearest star, the Sun safely by using a specialist solar telescope.
Junior Boys and Girls Athletic Results
The Physical Educational department is proud to announce that our Junior Boys and Girls participated in the Nicosia Schools Athletics Competition.
25th March School Parade
The English School participated in the 25th March School Parade in Nicosia with a full team consisting of 52 marchers.
Transnational Youth Forum 2022
Climate Change, Global Concerns and impact on the Rights of the Future Generations is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, which aims at bringing together youth, experts and policy-makers from different European countries to foster debate, promote the active participation of young people and raise awareness on the interdependence between Climate Change and the Rights of Future Generations.
Nicosia Senior Boys & Girls Athletics Competition Results
Our students participated in the Nicosia Senior Boys and Girls Athletics Competition this week.
Pancyprian Badminton Schools Competition
On the 31st January 2022 our students took part in the Pancyprian Badminton Schools Competition. All of our students had an excellent performance.