Year 1 Students Spread Festive Cheer with Christmas Decorations

16 Dec. 2022

Year 1 Students Spread Festive Cheer with Christmas Decorations
Year 1 Students Spread Festive Cheer with Christmas Decorations
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Lloyd's building has been transformed into a winter wonderland, all thanks to the hard work and creativity of our Year 1 students. 

In the run-up to Christmas, all Year 1 form groups participated in a Christmas Decorations competition, with each group bringing their unique touch to the festivities.

The competition was a chance for our students to showcase their enthusiasm and creativity, and they did not disappoint. From wreaths on the doors to twinkling fairy lights, Christmas trees to snowflakes, fireplaces (not real, for obvious reasons!), to stockings, each form group brought their unique flair to the competition.

The atmosphere in the building has been transformed, with the sound of Christmas songs and decorations at every turn. The competition has not only brought festive cheer to our students but has also given them an opportunity to work together as a team and showcase their individual talents.

The competition was judged by a panel of teachers, who had the difficult task of selecting the winners. However, each group received recognition for their efforts, and all participants were commended for their creativity and hard work.

The Year 1 Christmas Decorations competition has been a resounding success, and it is a testament to the spirit of the holiday season. We are proud of our Year 1 students and thank them for spreading festive cheer throughout the school.

In conclusion, the Christmas Decorations competition has brought a much-needed dose of festive cheer to our school. We are grateful to our Year 1 students for their hard work and creativity and look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


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