Outstanding Achievement by Stylianos Vassiliades at the Horizon Cup

23 Nov. 2023

Outstanding Achievement by Stylianos Vassiliades at the Horizon Cup
Outstanding Achievement by Stylianos Vassiliades at the Horizon Cup
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We are pleased to announce a remarkable achievement by one of our distinguished members, Stylianos Vassiliades, a highly accomplished young gymnast and student of The English School. 

Stylianos recently showcased his exceptional skills at the prestigious Horizon Cup in Thessaloniki, a competition renowned for attracting some of the region's most talented gymnasts.

We take immense pride in revealing that Stylianos secured the coveted 1st place in the highly competitive Individual All-Around category, delivering a performance that left spectators and judges alike in awe. His victory is a testament to his unwavering dedication, remarkable skill, and tireless hard work in the realm of gymnastics.

Stylianos's mastery extends beyond the overall category. He exhibited his prowess in various apparatuses, clinching 1st place in the still rings, parallel bars, and pommel horse events. This exceptional display of versatility and expertise across different gymnastic disciplines sets him apart as a true gymnastics virtuoso. Additionally, he achieved 2nd place in the horizontal bar and 3rd place in the floor exercises, underscoring his well-rounded and accomplished gymnastic repertoire.

The English School community extends its heartfelt congratulations to Stylianos Vassiliades for his remarkable success at the Horizon Cup. We applaud his unwavering commitment to excellence and anticipate his continued growth and triumph in the world of gymnastics.


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