New Parents' Evening
Thursday, 20th September, our new parents were invited to an informal evening in the quadrangle, outside the Hall
Both The English School Management and ESPA Council were delighted to welcome so many new parents to this event, which was held under the stars.
Our Headmaster, Mr David Lambon, and ESPA Chair, Mr Marios Anastasiou, said a few words of welcome. Ms Elena Ignatiou, Assistant Head in-charge of Lower School Pastoral then addressed the new parents. Ms Ignatiou also introduced the Lower School Heads of Year, our Head of Year 1, Ms Alexia Haroutunian, and the Year 1 Form Tutors.
Two information desks were set up in the quadrangle (one for the Music Department and one for ESPA). Parents were able to easily access information about the School’s instrumental programme and ESPA's activities and upcoming elections.
The night was filled with music, performed by Eric Vartan Tchalikian 4J, guitar and singing, Valerios Athinodorou 6Y, piano and Olga Prepis 6M singing.
We would like to thank the ESPA members, parents and staff who attended the event.