ES October Activities to Raise Awareness about Inclusion & Neurodiversity

10 Nov. 2021

ES October Activities to Raise Awareness about Inclusion & Neurodiversity
ES October Activities to Raise Awareness about Inclusion & Neurodiversity
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Congratulations to all Year Groups in the school who participated in October's Activities organised by the Inclusion & Pastoral Teams, and aimed at raising awareness about Neurodiversity.

Years 1-3  spent time in the form groups watching a presentation and the clips below, about what it feels like to learn with the unique skills and challenges of people who live with dyslexia, ADHD and Autism.  They also wrote supportive and congratulatory postcards (examples in attached photographs) to celebrities who were atypical learners and have been highly successful. 
Years 4-5 had online assemblies where inclusion and kindness where highlighted as key values in our school community with which to embrace and celebrate neurodiversity. 
Years 6 & 7 delved deeper in their PSHCE sessions by considering ways in which contributions to human accomplishment by neurodivergent figures such as Albert Einstein, Simone Biles, Alan Turing and Whoopi Goldberg have enriched our lives and society as a whole.
Clips used in presentations are below. These and more can also be found on our School's Inclusion Page


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