Erasmus+ staff mobility: Course 'Tablets and Smartphones: Using mobile devices as educational tools

29 Jul. 2022

Erasmus+ staff mobility: Course 'Tablets and Smartphones: Using mobile devices as educational tools
Erasmus+ staff mobility: Course 'Tablets and Smartphones: Using mobile devices as educational tools
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We are delighted to report that another staff member participated in the staff professional development mobility, which took place this summer within the Erasmus+ Accreditation program. 

Our colleague Ms Chryso Constantinou (Spanish Teacher and Form Tutor of 3 J) travelled to Berlin, Germany on 18th-23rd July to attend the course: "Tablets and Smartphones: Using mobile devices as educational tools" along with another seven teachers from Spain, Cyprus, Hungary and Romania.

Day 1 started with icebreaking activities. Participants were then asked to present their schools and the challenges they face in their institutions. A discussion followed related to the technical issues that arose during the pandemic and how teachers and students experienced that period.

Day 2 focused on the history of technology and 21st-century skills, i.e., learning, literacy, and life skills. Teachers discussed why these skills must be taught nowadays at schools and how they integrate them into their learning objectives. Then, teachers created an imaginary activity suggesting digital tools that could be aligned with the learning outcomes.

Day 3 discussed why consistency and demanding work are required to succeed in any field. A growth mindset is necessary, so students and parents get out of the learning pit. Participants were given a list of 40 apps that may be used in an educational context; they had to choose two, explore them and present them to the rest of the group.

Day 4 included a discussion about educators' digital competencies: how to identify resources, select the most suitable apps for activity and critically evaluate them, find legal provisions and assess their usefulness. Then, teachers recorded various parts of a video, edited them and produced a video with text and sound.

Day 5, participants were introduced to online security and what precautions can be taken so that the school and staff are protected online, and their resources are secured. Participants were awarded their certificates.

Day 6 included cultural activities in Berlin.

Apart from the technological aspect, this course was very productive in exchanging good practices and forming links with schools in other European countries. New collaborations may arise to exchange good practices with our European peers in the future! Stay tuned!

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