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Celebrating Talent!

19 Dec. 2022

Celebrating Talent
Celebrating Talent
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The Year 1 Music Assembly on Tuesday, 29th November, was a ray of sunshine on that rather gloomy and rainy day. 

Three Year 1 girls, Lia Petrou 1R, Melina Angelides 1W and Juliana Hills 1W performed songs for their classmates in celebration of talent and the arts in our lives. 
Lia sang an emotional version of ‘True Colors’ followed by an exciting performance of the song ‘Valerie” by Melina. The assembly closed with  Juliana’s moving performance of Bohemian Rhapsody. 

The girls were accompanied on the piano by Mr Andreas Pantelis, the jazz/pop piano instructor at the school’s instrumental programme. 

There was a short presentation by the Music Department which focused on the importance of a growth mindset and how perseverance, hard work and dedication strengthen our talents. 
We look forward to seeing many more performances by our talented year 1 student in upcoming shows. As Einstein once said, “ I have no special talents. I am just passionately curious.” 



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