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Acts of Kindness 2020 – Give a Little Love

23 Dec. 2020

Acts of Kindness
Acts of Kindness
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This year, we asked students and members of the school community to ‘Give a Little Love’ and they rose to the challenge in tremendous form.

A non-uniform day for Sophia for Children – Beirut raised a staggering total of EU2.336,62​ with a further EU92.10 was raised by on-line donations​.

Meanwhile, Heads of Year and Form Tutors galvanized students into action with food, clothes and gifts donations for local families in need, with our ‘Trees of Kindness’ being decorated with bags of food and other donations.

The Economics Society, together with the student charity initiative Chain of Change raised over EU1000 for ‘Adopt a Family’ and other local charities.

Despite the challenges our students have shown, yet again, that they are caring, active citizens. Thank you all for your kindness and love!

Special thanks go to Chain of Change students, The Economics Society, Heads of Year, Form Tutors, Ms Economou and Ms Nicolaou and all our support staff for their help and support.

Together we can make a difference, and let’s continue stronger in 2021!

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